Kirk Krack, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot, Helen Lightfoot, Brent Pascall and Peter Pazdera.
Call to Order
This Annual General Meeting was held at Rowand’s Reef Dive store in Vancouver. Kirk Krack chaired the meeting and Tom Lightfoot took the minutes. The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm.
Last Year’s Minutes
Kirk Krack read the minutes of last year’s AGM. It was noted that there was no plaque made in memory of Craig Molle for the bottom plate as it is no longer used. There was also no activity on the funding committee.
Tom Lightfoot moved for acceptance of last year’s minutes, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank seconded. All in favour.
President’s Report
Kirk Krack presented the President’s Report.
Helen Lightfoot moved for acceptance of the President’s Report, Ken McCallum seconded. All in favour.
Treasurer’s Report
Mandy-Rae Cruickshank presented the Treasurer’s Report. She mentioned before presenting the report that the numbers were only preliminary due to the fact that not all June statements have arrived. Mandy-Rae noted that the AGM should be held at a later date in the future so that there is sufficient time to gather and compile all financial data for the fiscal year.
Kirk Krack moved for acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report, Ken McCallum seconded. All in favour.
Webmaster’s Report
Tom Lightfoot presented the Webmaster’s Report.
Kirk Krack moved for acceptance of the Webmaster’s Report, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank seconded. All in favour.
Competition Report
Ken McCallum presented the Competition Report.
Helen Lightfoot moved for acceptance of the Competition Report, Kirk Krack seconded. All in favour.
Environment Committee Report
Tom Lightfoot presented the Environment Committee Report.
Kirk Krack moved for acceptance of the Environment Committee Report, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank seconded. All in favour.
Judges’ Committee Report
Kirk Krack presented the Judges’ Committee Report.
Tom Lightfoot moved for acceptance of the Judges’ Committee Report, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank seconded. All in favour.
Old Business
At the 2001 AGM the board was mandated to purchase liability insurance for CAFA. As part of the application process for Elliott General Liability, the board added a new bylaw. A special resolution at the AGM is required in order for the new bylaw to become permanent:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following paragraph be appended to the Membership section of the CAFA bylaws:
2.9 Any insurance policy purchased by the Corporation must cover all members.
In the discussion that followed, Tom Lightfoot expressed his concern that CAFA is no longer seeking insurance from Elliott General Liability and that the bylaw limits CAFA’s ability to purchase insurance that may not be appropriate for ALL members, such as insurance for a specific event. Those present agreed and there were no volunteers to move or second the above resolution.
Kirk Krack moved that paragraph 2.9 be removed from the CAFA bylaws. Tom Lightfoot seconded the motion. All in favour.
New Business
Environment Committee
Kirk Krack moved that whereas Marnie Laing has moved out of the country, Tom Lightfoot re-start the Environment Committee as its chair. Tom accepted this position and Ken McCallum seconded the motion. All in favour.
Email List
Brent Pascall expressed concern that some people are put off by the volume of email that they receive on the freedivecanada email list. He proposed that a threaded discussion forum be put on the web site. Tom Lightfoot expressed reservations about this approach because it would be a substantial amount of work to install and maintain, even if free software were obtained for the job.
The possibility of using a separate cafa_chat group to handle lower priority messages was also raised.
Mandy-Rae then explained that there are several ways in which the existing Yahoogroups email list can be used by members to manage the amount of email that they receive.
- Members can subscribe to the digest version of the list where all traffic is summarized in a maximum of one email per day.
- Members can elect to not receive messages and view messages on the archive instead.
- High priority messages will still get through to people who have elected not to receive most messages.
Mandy-Rae will send an email to the list, explaining member’s existing options for email list management.
Election of Officials
Nominations for the five board positions were held on the freedivecanada email list in the week leading up to the AGM. If there are more than five nominees then elections will be held via email in the week after the AGM. Five people were nominated by email and have decided to run.
A final opportunity for additional nominations was given at the meeting. Kirk Krack nominated Peter Pazdera who accepted the nomination.
The finalized list of nominees stands as follows, requiring an election for the board positions:
- Perry Gladstone (nominated by Tom Lightfoot)
- Tom Lightfoot (nominated by Tony Gray)
- Mandy-Rae Cruickshank (nominated by Kirk Krack)
- Ken McCallum (nominated by Diane Price)
- Kirk Krack (nominated by Ken McCallum)
- Peter Pazdera (nominated by Kirk Krack)
The election will take place via email and will be open to all CAFA members. Votes are to be submitted to [email protected] and will go to Glenda Stauffer. All votes must be received before midnight (Pacific time) on Tueday, July 16th.
There being no more business, Kirk moved for adjournment of the AGM. Ken McCallum seconded. The meeting was closed at 8:30pm.