October 18, 2006

Treasurer’s Report

Canadian Association of Freediving and Apnea
Statement of Revenue and Expenses
For the period ended
June 30, 2006
Canadian Dollars Period to Year to
June 30, 2006 30 June 2005
Worlds – Income (net of Paypal) 1,687 75,214
Worlds – Outgoings 2,085 (398) 73,119 2,094
Membership fees 924 2,447
Team Fees (200) 400
Pool Training Fees
Competition fees 410 3,336
Record Fees
Bank Interest received 5 6
Fundraising (net) 376
Judge-in-learning Fees 250
1,117 8,534
Pool Training Fees
Competition expenses 1,094 1,890
Internet 826 397
Bank Charges 30 13
AIDA fees
Office expenses. Legal & Sundry 31 423
Government fees 30
1,981 2,753
Net excess of revenue over expenditure (864) 5,780
Member’s equity at beginning of period 11,844 6,064
Member’s equity at end of period 10,980 11,844

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