Kirk Krack (Chair), Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Helen Lightfoot (Minutes).
Call to Order
This meeting was held at CAFA headquarters in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 8 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the November 27th executive meeting were approved.
Action Items
- CAFA Team/Individual Competition Regulations Work on the rules is ongoing.
- CAFA Competition Manual Has sent the documents to the Board and is awaiting their review. Once reviewed they will be posted to the CAFA website.
- Translation of CAFA documents into French Jane Mitchell will provide a quote of the costs.
- Safety & Support Program Safety Support Clinic document is ready to be posted to the website.
- Targeted questionnaire “What it takes” for CAFA member Work on this document has been suspended pending other priorities.
- Safety Protocols document will be posted to the website, without graphics, by the end of December.
- 2004 AIDA World Championship website Aiming to be ready for Worlds site launch by the end of January 2004. Working on ability of the IT group to work remotely on collaborative site development.
- Executive Contact List needs to be updated. Aiming to have a mirror to current Minutes by end of December 2003.
- Quarterly financials for 2004 Quarterly financial snapshot is due by the end of January. First need to send it to Sandy Aird.
- Lung Association fundraiser proposal This document is complete. Perry will edit it. The letter has been sent to the new contact at the Lung Association, and we are awaiting a response.
- Safety Organizers document Need to add the Tag Dropper position to the checklist of positions. This will be the Secondary Safety Diver. The Judge/Timer holds the tags, the Seconday Safety will get the tag from him/her and then drop it down the competition line.
Perry (in absentia)
- Sponsorship proposal Sponsorship document indicating differing levels of sponsorship has been completed.
- The Board awaits Perry’s decision regarding his partnering with someone in Canada to help out with his CAFA Board duties while Perry is residing in Costa Rica.
Agenda Items
- November 2003 Western Regional Competition Debriefing
- Unusual to hold a competition in November, but decided to do it as eagerness of the membership indicated it would be well attended.
- The amount of current was problematic (an 8ft exchange in 3.5 hours). Too expensive to do the competition by boat. If we’d used a boat and anchored it there would have been too much current on the competition lines. Unfortunately, this meant that some competitors had a long surface swim.
- Another factor was the amount of daylight at this time of year.
- The Safety Clinic held just before the WRC was attended by six freedivers. Three of the attendees had not previously taken the clinic. Currently, CAFA Safety Protocols rule that all safety personnel must attend the Safety Clinic. Suggested that ‘must’ be changed to read ‘highly recommended’ or ‘in some circumstances required’ and that any changes to these Protocols should be taken to the Judges Committee for review.
- The video review of Mandy’s static performance should have been announced. This was an error on the part of the Judge. Mandy was belatedly informed of her disqualification and declined to protest. The Board decided that 30 days be given to ratify results, thus allowing time for reviewing competitions from Eastern Canada.
- Pool Competition
- Want to promote a fun competition, which would also help competitors maintain their training. The disciplines would be static, dynamic, and something fun (e.g. airbag lift challenge). Looking at a date in February or April. Looking at scheduling it as a two day only event: Friday night and the Saturday.
- This could be for fun only, or for regional qualification.
- The Deep Breath Challenge for one month, our Lung Month. This could be held in one evening during a two hour pool session.
- Perry will promote this to the Eastern clubs.
- Sandy Aird’s Honorarium
- All agreed that Sandy Aird’s honorarium was long due. A cheque was issued for $200 and given to Tom for delivery.
- Website Translation Budget
- This was discussed. The website wordcount (not including the Minutes) is 5812 words, and 46 graphics. At 16 cents per word, this would cost $930.
- CAFA democracy
- Kirk wrote an email to the list reminding members of how they can be involved in the organization.
- 2004 AIDA World Championships
- Kirk will summarize what we have so far
- Underwater BC
- CAFA has a table at the Underwater BC weekend event at the Vancouver Aquarium on January 17-18th.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 p.m.
The next CAFA Board meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on January 20th, 2004 at the new CAFA Headquarters at:
108 – 3083 West 4th AvenueVancouver, B.C.
V6K 1R5