Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot
Call to Order
This meeting was held at CAFA Headquarters, 106 – 3533 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 6:42 pm.
Kirk reported that Perry Gladstone is starting a club in Toronto. Perry has created a website and has drafted some club bylaws. All he needs now to become a CAFA recognized club is a third board member who is a CAFA member.
Kirk will be holding a clinic in Ottawa from July 12th to 14th and is hoping to stir up some interest in starting up a club in that area.
Tom has created an online Bylaw Maker to make it easier to deal with the administration of starting a club. The bylaws and constitution are based on those put out for the British Columbia Society Act.
Kirk reported that he had had a meeting the previous day with Bob Ross of AllSport Insurance. They went through CAFA’s application and he was impressed with the safety protocols. Bob will pass the application on to their underwriter. Bob will get back to Kirk on July 19th.
At the meeting Kirk recieved an AllSport pamphlet on Loss Control. He will review the material to see if there are any other ways that CAFA can improve its insurability.
Annual General Meeting
The board spent some time preparing for the AGM which was to be held the next day. The agenda will be as follows:
Item | Presenter |
President’s Report | Kirk |
Treasurer’s Report | Mandy |
Webmaster’s Report | Tom |
Competition Report | Ken |
Environment Committee Report | Tom |
Judges’ Committee Report | Kirk |
Bylaw Resolution | Tom |
Elections |
Tom will post the agenda to the website and print off some copies for the meeting. In order to facilitate the completion of the minutes, Tom asked all those giving reports to give him their speech notes in writing.
Team Canada
Kirk has announced Team Canada for the 2002 Pacific Cup to the freedivecanada egroup:
Men | Women |
Tom Lightfoot | Mandy-Rae Cruickshank |
Peter Pazdera | Diane Price |
Tony Gray | Cali Johnston |
Perry Gladstone | Tara Cunningham |
The team-cafa egroup has now been updated to reflect these new members.
New Board
After the upcoming AGM it is likely that at least one member of the board will reside outside the Vancouver area. Tom will look into an appropriate means for holding executive meetings.
T-shirt for Logo
Ken McCallum proposed that CAFA give David Tsai a CAFA T-shirt in recognition for designing the CAFA logo. All agreed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:24pm.