June 6, 2002


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot

Call to Order

This meeting was held at CAFA Headquarters, 106 – 3533 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 6:54 pm.


In order to make it easier for clubs to comply with CAFA guidelines, Tom will create a template set of bylaws, based on CAFA’s bylaws.

Kirk will push for the creation of clubs in Toronto and Ottawa when he goes there to teach clinics in June and July.

Annual General Meeting

According to CAFA’s bylaws, the AGM must be held some time between June 30th and September 30th. Notice of the meeting must be given in writing at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. After some discussion the board decided upon the following time and place:

7:00pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday, July 9, 2002
Rowand’s Reef Dive Store
Vancouver, BC

To accomodate people across the country who will not be able to attend, nominations and voting for board positions will be handled via email. Nominations will be accepted up to one week in advance of the AGM via the freedivecanada egroups list.

If a vote is required then members will be given an opportunity to vote via email up to one week after the AGM. An email alias ([email protected]) will be created to accept the votes which will go to a neutral person.

Western Regional Championships

All present agreed that the date currently set for the next WRC, July 13-14 is too soon for both organizers and competitors. The board agreed unanimously to re-schedule the Regionals to the weekend of September 14-15.

The July 13-14th weekend will be reserved for a fun competition. Events are yet to be determined.

National Championships, May 24 to 26

Kirk acknowledged Ken’s hard work in organizing this year’s National Championships. The event was a big success and all three events went very smoothly once started.

There were some anticipated financial shortfalls of the Nationals which were due to the large tide exchange on the day of the Constant Ballast event. The event had to be held from boats instead of shore. CAFA had agreed to make up for any shortfall up to 50% of the amount taken in by competition fees. With 12 competitors each paying $125, that amount was $750. CAFA paid $650 to charter the Cross Current Diver and will pay for the pool time used for the safety diver course.

Open Nationals, 2003

Kirk proposed that CAFA host an international open competition in conjunction with next year’s Nationals. Prizes and ranking for the open competition and nationals would be kept separate, although the performances would be combined together in the same event. The tide exchange will be low on the weekend of next year’s Nationals so it should be possible to hold the constant ballast event from a barge anchored just offshore from Sunset Marina. Competitors could be housed at the UBC dorms. Kirk and the other board members will look further into the feasibility of running such an event over the next couple of months.

Team Canada at Pacific Cup

Tom has created an online application form for Team Canada and posted it on the web site. So far three women and four men have applied for the team.

Kirk has been in contact with Picasso America about wetsuits. This year it seems that the best deal that the team can get is stock suits at cost.

In order to ensure some sponsorship and an even workload for seeking it out, all members of Team Canada will be required to approach two contacts each for sponsorship.

Freediving Courses in Ontario

Kirk reported that four people have signed up so far for the June 13 to 16 freediving course in Toronto. Kirk will teach this course on his way to Norway.

The Ottawa course has been postponed to July 12 to 14 and has four students so far who are likely to take the course.


Kirk had a pamphlet and an application form for AllSport insurance which he presented to the board. Some salient points:

  • Cost $1,500 per year for up to 200 members
  • $1M – $5M liability with $500 deductible
  • Up to $10,000 sport accident insurance

Kirk will fill out the application form and submit it. All of the required documentation has already been created since the earlier insurance effort via Johnston Meier Insurance.

AIDA Judges Course

Kirk and Ken reported that the AIDA Judges course went well. This was the first course of its kind so there were a few bugs along the way. Marcello de Matteis taught the course with Fred Buyle doing a significant amount of translation.

Ken McCallum and Doug Peterson (USA) are now AIDA leve E judges.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:42pm.