March 11, 2003


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Ken McCallum. Perry Gladstone joined the meeting via phone.

Call to Order

This meeting was held at the Rowand’s Reef dive store in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:42 pm.

Meeting Minutes

Tom had not yet typed up the minutes of the February meeting so approval was not possible.

Action Items


  • Competition rules – AIDA is still in the process of updating the international rules and Kirk is waiting for those updates before finalizing CAFA’s rules. The AIDA updates are expected at the beginning of April.


  • Tom has made no progress on his action items in the past month.
  • Top priorities are integrating Paypal into the membership payment process and updating the competition info on the web site.


  • Lung Association Proposal – Mandy is looking at the “Dive for a Cure” campaign as a model.
  • CAFA in Quebec – Mandy is still waiting for a chance to talk to Randy Giles of PADI.
  • Conference calling options – Conference calling is quite expensive with long distance and per-minute charges. It would be cheaper in the long run to buy a quality speaker phone, or better still, to maintain good relations with Rowand’s Reef.


  • Perry has sent the latest sponsorship package to the board for review.
  • Perry has had no luck in getting in touch with anyone in the FQAS.


  • Competition manual – Ken is still working on it.
  • Ken is to send Tom the vote counts for the 2002 AGM so that he can post them with the minutes.

Year End Financials

Mandy sent the year end financials to the board prior to the meeting. The current bank balance sits at >$6,000. Sandy Aird is doing a mini-audit of the financial records.

A motion to approve the 2001/2002 year end financial report was passed unanimously.

Tom will post the income statement and balance sheet on the web site with the AGM minutes.

There wil be a quarterly budget review at next month’s meeting.

2004 Pacific Cup

Kirk proposed that Canada host a Pacific Cup competition in the summer of 2004. The board will discuss this matter in detail after the National championships.


Kirk presented a budget for the 2003 National Championships. With competition fees at $125 and no extra sponsorship money, the event would break even with 16 competitors.

Ken expressed concern that the projected cost of $700 for boat costs was low, given that the boat expense was $1,200 last year.

Perry moved that the competition fee for Nationals be raised from $125 to $150. The motion was passed unanimously.

Kirk moved that CAFA commit to bringing Bob Croft up to Vancouver to give a talk at the Nationals. The motion was passed unanimously.

Safety Protocols

Kirk had attempted to send the latest version of the Safety Protocols to the board but they did not get through. Kirk will re-send the document for the board to discuss and approve via email.

Network TV

Perry reported that he and his brother Chris had been in touch with Rogers Sportsnet and TSN about doing a series of shows on freediving that would cover the national championships, athlete profiles and physiology. These segments would be shown several times and would be paid for by sponsors buying advertising slots in the show.

Perry and his brother are expecting a letter of intent from either or both networks by the end of next week. They will then pursue combined sponsorship for the show and event with the understanding that a go/no go decision for the show will have to be made by the end of May.

Competition Payments

There was some discussion about the convenience of using CAFA’s Paypal account to collect competition fees. As CAFA does not directly organize the competitions, this would be a service that is provided to competition organizers to collect money on their behalf.

Tom will talk to Sandy Aird in the next day or two to see if there is any financial reason why this cannot be done.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 pm.