March 12th, 2005


Tom Lightfoot (Chair), Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Helen Lightfoot (Minutes), Matt Charlton (by phone).
Regrets: Peter Scott

Call to Order

This meeting was held at 101 – 9133 Capella Drive in Burnaby. The meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m. PST

Meeting Minutes

Approval of minutes of the February 13th executive meeting was deferred to the next meeting.

Action Items


  1. Budget and Revenue Analysis
    Preparation of the budget and a complete revenue analysis is pending a meeting with Sandy Aird on March 16th. They will be ready for next meeting.
  2. Sport Canada
    A list of steps required for Sport Canada compliance is included in the document attached. Translation of CAFA’s Mission, By-laws, and Objects into French is the first priority. Currently trying to find the best offer in translation services.


  1. Insurance
  2. Diver Magazine mailout
    Still need to write the cover letter to AIDA Teams at Worlds.
  3. Draft 2005 Budget
    Nothing to report


  1. 2003-2004 AGM Minutes
    These minutes have been completed, and have been posted on the CAFA website.
  2. Diver Magazine mailout
    The mailout is almost ready to go. Still need to draft a letter to CAFA members, and Kirk one to the AIDA Nationals who attended Worlds.


  1. CAFA Stickers
    These have been found. The roll has been given to Helen for the magazine mailout.
  2. Display for Advil Outdoor Show
    Display was updated and created. Photos of it were taken, it looked good.
  3. Photos for poster
    Done and sent to Matt.
  4. Team Canada t-shirts
    These were sent to Matt for the exhibitors at the Advil Outdoor Show, Toronto.


  1. CAFA brochure
    Revised English text for a CAFA brochure has been sent to the Board. Once have feedback/approval will have it translated into French.
  2. Draft Safety Report for Safety Committee
  3. Design Team Canada poster
  4. Draft a Safety Report Form


  1. Submit Executive Minutes for November 21st, December 8th 2004, and January 13th, February 9th 2005 in html format to the version control system ready for website
    Nothing to report.
  2. Alter and adopt Canadian Speedskating Code of Conduct
    Nothing to report.
  3. Request permission from same to use their Code of Conduct
    Nothing to report.
  4. Replace ‘heat stroke’ with ‘hypo/hyperthermia’ in Safety Report Terms of Reference
    Nothing to report.


  1. Vote on CAFA attendance at DEMA, Las Vegas, October
    The Board voted by email in favour of attending DEMA this year.
    Mandy will obtain booth contract.
  2. Vote on AIDA 2nd Special Assembly
    “Do you think AIDA should change the way to judge LMC from the physical criteria’s (determined in current regulations) to the technical criteria’s (surfacing protocol)?”
    The Board is unanimous in voting “No”
  3. Outdoor Shows in Vancouver and Toronto
    • Advil Outdoor Show in Vancouver, February 18-20th. Thanks to volunteers Mandy, Tom, Kirk and Peter.
      Results: Two new CAFA members signed up.
      Observations: public has an increased awareness of the sport; that the sport is still considered ‘extreme’; that the show went well.
    • Advil Outdoor Show in Toronto, February.
      Thanks to volunteers Matt, Kathy Duguay, David Nesbitt, Richard Walker, and Gord Lemon.
      Results: networking with dive shops and dive magazines, potential product sponsorships.
      Observations: demos went well; that freediving is mainly seen as dangerous (freediving deaths were known and asked about); that CAFA needs a banner like that of Freedive Toronto (vinyl 2’x8′) for these kinds of events. Helen will send Matt the CAFA graphics files.
  4. Upcoming Competitions in Toronto
    Matt sees the ERC at the end of May/first week of June in Ottawa being the next competition.
    Matt has identified Bon Echo Provincial Park (a two hour drive from Ottawa) as a possible alternate site for Nationals.
    Matt has been in touch with the Mont-Tremblant Club and is waiting to hear back from them.
  5. Upcoming Competitions in Vancouver
    Kirk has been contacted by Poet’s Cove, Pender Island. They are interested in exploring hosting a competition at their resort in the future. Kirk will inform the Board of developments.
  6. Insurance quest
    Tec Clark of USAA has drawn up insurance request documents for USAA, and CAFA. CAFA’s has been submitted to Witherspoon insurance carrier. We should hear back on this by the end of May.
  7. Website translation
    Cécile Charlton has been approached and has quoted CAFA a discounted price of 10 cents per word. Tom will approach OneWorld Translations for a quote.

Other Business

As most of the Board will be away for the month of April, it was decided to cancel the regularly scheduled Executive meeting for April and hold the next one on May 11th, 2005. The Board agreed to keep in touch by email in the interim.

Action Items


  1. Read and check Feb 13th, and March 12th Minutes for corrections/changes (due May 11)


  1. Write letter to CAFA members for magazine mailout (overdue)
  2. Contact OneWorld Translations and Julien for translation quotes (due May 11)
  3. Submit CAFA’s vote to AIDA on latest ‘votation’ (completed)
  4. Draft Agenda for next meeting (due May 11)


  1. Write letter to AIDA Nationals at Worlds for magazine mailout (overdue)
  2. Insurance (ongoing)
  3. Draft 2005 Budget (pending revenue analysis)
  4. Follow up with AIDA International regarding CAFA’s share of Doc Lopez’s endowment


  1. Draft a revenue analysis (due May 11)
  2. Arrange translation of CAFA documents for Sport Canada compliance (ongoing)
  3. Complete Diver Magazine mailout (pending Kirk’s and Tom’s letters)
  4. Send Matt CAFA’s graphics files (completed)
  5. Pay US$500 for DEMA booth (completed)


  1. DEMA booth contract obtained, signed and submitted (completed)
  2. Get price quotes for 2’x8′ vinyl banner (due May 11)


  1. Revise CAFA brochure (due May 11)
  2. Translate revised CAFA brochure into French (due May 11)
  3. Draft Safety Report for Safety Committee (ongoing)
  4. Design Team Canada poster (ongoing)
  5. Draft a Safety Report form (ongoing)
  6. Get price quotes for 2’x8′ vinyl banner (due May 11)


  1. Minutes of Nov 21, 2004. Make revisions. Submit to Board for approval (overdue)
  2. Minutes of Nov 21, Dec 8 2004, Jan 13, Feb 9. Code with html and submit to control version system for website (overdue)
  3. Request permission from Speedskating sport body to use and adapt their Code of Conduct (overdue)
  4. Adapt Speedskating Code of Conduct for use by CAFA (overdue)
  5. Edit Safety Report Terms of Reference. Replace ‘heat stroke’ with ‘hypo/hyperthermia’ (overdue)


The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. PST

The next CAFA meeting will held on May 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the new CAFA Headquarters at:
101 – 9133 Capella Drive
Burnaby, B.C.
V3J 7K4