May 25th, 2005


Tom Lightfoot (Chair), Helen Lightfoot, Matt Charleton (by phone), Peter Scott (Minutes).
Regrets: Kirk Krack, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank

Call to Order

This meeting was held at 101 – 9133 Capella Drive in Burnaby. The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. PST

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the March 12, 2005 meeting were approved.

Action Items


  1. Mailout of two magazines including a letter to CAFA members completed. Mailout cost $300.
  2. Website translation. OneWorld Translations. Julien has moved back to France. No contact made with Jane.
  3. Votations submitted to AIDA.


  1. Letter to be written for magazine mailout to AIDA Nationals (overdue).
  2. Report on insurance progress. Deferred.
  3. Follow up with AIDA regarding allocation of Doc Lopez’ donation. Deferred.


  1. CAFA budget
    Analysis shows stable, though declining membership and fees. Other income varies considerably.
  2. Revenue Analysis
    CAFA did not lose money hosting Worlds 2004. We netted a positive $3,077.
  3. Translation of CAFA documents for Sport Canada compliance (ongoing)
  4. CAFA graphics file sent to Matt.


  1. Vinyl Banner quote (deferred)


  1. CAFA brochure has been revised. Trifold format will be used.
  2. French version is being translated (ongoing).
  3. Design safety report format (Peter will take this on).
  4. Team Canada poster (Kirk will advise on target and message).
  5. CAFA banner. Matt can get pricing for vinyl banner. Layout, slogan and vector graphics are needed.

ACTION: Board members to brainstorm slogans and catch phrases for banner design.


  1. Minutes for past meetings have been updated and posted on web.
  2. Speedskating Canada has given permission for CAFA to adapt their Code of Conduct.
  3. Adapt Speedskating Canada’s Code of Conduct for CAFA’s use. Peter will correct for grammar and inconsistencies.
  4. Safety Report Terms of Reference edited. Peter will send them to the Board for final approval and posting on web.


AIDA rules

Tom proposed that CAFA adopts the new AIDA rules but still not allow LMC (as per the old rules). The Board agreed that the ERC use the same rules as were applied to the WRC (i.e. the old rules); and that the new AIDA rules, with possible amendments will be put into effect for Nationals.

In addition, Tom made the following proposal: “That CAFA accepts the new AIDA rules with the additional criteria of prohibiting LMC (disqualifications applied with at least two signs of LMC as listed in the rules) for all CAFA competitions. Any CAFA result would need to be judged for LMC, whether in Canada or internationally.” It was proposed that this measure be considered by the Board with a decision to be made by June 1.

Furthermore, Helen and Tom proposed that the Board edit the new AIDA rules for clarity and submit the document to AIDA. Helen agreed to head the project, Tom to help, with a completion date in the fall.

Translation of CAFA website into French

Tom briefed the Board on this project. Translation is highest priority web project in order to meet criteria for Sport Canada. David Rousseau and Cecile Charleton have been identified as suitable resources for this project.

CAFA website

Tom plans a CAFA website redesign: remove frames, make promotional items more prominent, add volunteer database, highlight recreational aspects of freediving.

Helen proposed that the Board, without Helen and Tom, consider an honorarium for the Webmaster.

CAFA wear

A new line of CAFA wear and other promotional items were discussed. Peter will follow up.

AIDA Individual Worlds 2007

The Board discussed submitting a bid for the World Individuals in 2007. Both indoor and outdoor events will be included, and that the preference for outdoor be constant without fins, rather than free immersion. Obtaining event insurance will be key. The bid submission deadline is October 2005, with the vote in March 2006.

Western Regional Competition report

There were eleven competitors. A new Canadian dynamic record set by Eric Fattah at 150m. The Vancouver Apneists Club organized this event.

Membership renewal automation

Tom has added new functionality to the website: a member’s database record will automatically update with their new renewal date, when the renewal is paid with PayPal.

Honorarium for Sandy Aird

Helen proposed that our accountant, Sandy be given an honorarium of $300. All in favour. Helen will issue a cheque.

BCRPA Aquatic Workshop


Action Items


  1. Brainstorm slogans for CAFA banner
  2. Discuss honorarium for CAFA webmaster (except Tom and Helen)
  3. Discuss and vote on using LMC rule in conjuction with new AIDA rules (due June 1)


  1. Write letter to AIDA Nationals for magazine mailout (overdue).
  2. Advise on target audience and message for CAFA poster.
  3. Insurance update
  4. Doc Lopez’ AIDA donation update


  1. Revise new AIDA rules with Tom (due Fall).
  2. Issue honorarium cheque of $300 for Sandy Aird.


  1. Tom to contact David Rousseau regarding site translation and implementation plan.
  2. Follow up on LMC modification to new AIDA rules for Nationals (due June 1).


  1. Vinyl banner quote (overdue).


  1. Translate new CAFA brochure into French.


  1. Edit Code of Conduct for grammatical and other errors.
  2. Research options for CAFA wear and volunteer recognition.
  3. Draft safety report for competitions and CAFA events (overdue).


The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. PST

The next CAFA Board meeting will be held June 15th at 7:00 p.m. PST at 101 – 9133 Capella Drive, Burnaby.