Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot
Call to Order
This meeting was held at CAFA Headquarters, 106 – 3533 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Bumper Stickers
The stickers have been delivered.
Standards of Safe Diving Practices
Mandy has circulated her latest draft to the board. Some wording details are still to be worked out.
National Championships, May 24 to 26
- Ken has enough safety divers lined up
- Ten competitors have registered, of which seven have already paid. Two more are expected to register.
- Diver’s World’s boat has been booked and paid for for the safety divers.
- More boat capacity is needed for competitors, judges, officials and media. After much discussion and some phone calls during the meeting, Kirk was able to tentatively book JD’s boat.
Since the meeting the booking has been confirmed and JD will be providing his dive charter boat (a covered skiff for 15) as well as the Nautilus 7 which is now a Bed & Breakfast for the media.
AIDA Judges Course
Martin Stepanek and Mandy have declared their intention to do some world records in the week after Nationals. Marcello de Matteis from Switzerland and Fred Buyle from Belgium will judge these events. While they are here, Kirk has arranged for them to teach an AIDA judging course. Helen Lightfoot and Ken McCallum are enrolled as well as three people from the United States so far. The course will start Friday May 24th at 9am.
Kirk raised the issue that it is very hard to find pools that are willing to book time for freediving events. Also, some pools have disallowed freediving activity during public hours and some that allow freediving are not comfortable with it. Kirk related several of his fruitless attempts to contact facility administrators.
After much discussion, a new tactic was suggested whereby Kirk will approach the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada (RLSSC) about educating them about the risks and safety protocols of freediving.
Freediving Courses in Ontario
Intermediate freediving courses are tentatively booked in Ottawa and Toronto for June. Kirk and possibly Tom will teach these. The Ottawa course is set for June 7-9 and the Toronto course is set for June 13-16.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52pm.