Vancouver, BC
In attendance: Manfred Lippe, Greg Fee, Brent Pascall, Gabrielle Legendre (in Vancouver)
Matt Charlton, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank (via Skype)
Regrets: None
Meeting called to order at 6:48 pm (by Greg Fee)
Board Positions:
Past President | Mandy-Rae Cruickshank |
President | Matt Charlton |
Vice-President | Greg Fee |
Treasurer | Brent Pascall |
Secretary | Gabrielle Legendre |
Competition Director | Manfred Lippe |
Note: Manfred Lippe may opt to change the title of his position to suit his goals.
Old Business
Website: Our website ( is currently with Uniserve. Tom suggested that we switch to Site5, which costs significantly less and offers more space and bandwidth. The current Board members unanimously agreed to do so.
It was also suggested that Tom should add a link to the Worlds 2004 webpage.
Mandy may have passwords for the Uniserve website domain, but it was determined that Tom must already have them in order to be able to update the website.
Note to all: Tom has added a link on the website for the exclusive use of Board members, where important documents can be uploaded for Board members to access.
Bank Account:
CAFA has a bank account with BMO at the Alma branch. Brent will look into switching the account to the West Vancouver BMO branch. Also, Brent will verify those who have signing authority. He will remove those that should no longer have signing authority. He will also make sure that Gabrielle gets added to the list of those with signing authority (she lives in North Vancouver and could easily meet Brent at the West Vancouver branch when needed).
Term Deposit:
CAFA currently has a large sum of money that could do better by being placed in a term deposit. Brent will look into this and get back to us.
The issue of non-residents was raised at the CAFA Annual General Meeting. Specifically, the question of how non-residents can have a say in CAFA’s affairs was broached. No definitive conclusion was reached. It was suggested that changes could be made to incorporate non-residents if and when non-residents (such as Jade Leutenegger and Will Winram) approached the Board directly regarding the matter.
New Business
- would like to setup a working relationship with the freediving club in Quebec.
- would like to write press releases for those Canadian athletes that set new records.
- would like to print certificates for those Canadian athletes that set new national records.
- will send Gabrielle the website translations to French that Jade Leutenegger had already completed.
- will inquire RE: interest from East to host Nationals in 2008.
- would like to make a durable CAFA display that can be used at trade shows and the like.
- would like to make up posters about CAFA and freediving that can be sent out to local dive shops.
- will contact Tom RE: learning how to update the website (to alleviate some of the workload from Tom) and translating the website to French.
- will look into switching the CAFA account from the Alma BMO branch to the West Vancouver branch.
- will update the account signing authority to include Gabrielle.
- will look into putting some of CAFA’s monetary assets into a term deposit.
- will work with Manfred to brainstorm how non-competitive freedivers can benefit from being CAFA members – liaison with freediving clubs.
Additions To Agenda
2008 Team World Championships:
Nothing yet has been determined regarding when they will take place or which country will host them.
2008 Nationals:
Technically, it is Vancouver’s turn to host them. If Eastern Canada wanted to host them, the by-laws may need to be double-checked (i.e., a vote from the membership may be needed). Matt will inquire as to whether there is interest from the East RE: hosting Nationals in 2008.
Industry Shows:
- Vancouver Aquarium Dive Show; Jan 19-20; $75/booth; to be shared with PFI and the Vancouver Apneist Club.
- Outdoor Show; Feb 16-17 in Vancouver; Feb 22-24 in T.O.; very expensive $900/booth.
- Alberta Underwater Council; Edmonton; late summer.
Involvement of Past Board Members:
- They have experience and could advise the current board.
- Kirk Krack would like to remain on the list (current Board agrees unanimously).
- Tom Lightfoot should also remain on the list as he is the webmaster (current Board agrees unanimously).
Fundraising for National Team:
All Board members to brainstorm ideas regarding this.
Next Meeting:
Monday, November 19th at 7 pm PST.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.