October 29, 2006


Tom Lightfoot, Mandy Cruickshank, Matt Charlton (by phone), Doug Sitter (by phone), Kirk Krack, Brent Pascall,

Call to Order

This meeting was held via conference call from Primrose Lane in Coquitlam. The meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. PST.

Board Positions

The elected board selected the positions as follows.

President Mandy-Rae
Vice-President Matt Charlton
Secretary Doug Sitter
Treasurer Brent Pascall
Judges Committee
Kirk Krack

Tom Lightfoot accepted the advisory position of Past President and will continue as FreediveCanada.com Webmaster.

FreediveCanada Website

Matt Charlton feels the website needs to be friendly for non-freedivers and to promote the sport as a recreational activity.

Doug Sitter suggested that Dive Site of the week be added to the home page to help promote the recreational side of the sport.

Doug Sitter brought up the topic of a French Version of the CAFA website.

Matt Charlton, Doug Sitter and Tom lightfoot will work to together on this project to determine which content has the highest priority to get translated.

Kirk Krack suggested that $2500 be put aside to create the French Version of the site as this has been a long time in the making.


The CAFA Board was unanimous that we ask the current accountant to continue to as the CAFA accountant. Tom Lightfoot will express this to him and report to the board.


A current official budget was not distributed but a figure of approximately $11,000.00 was indicated as being in the CAFA bank account. Kirk Krack suggested that he formulate a budget that the board can vote on.


Several board members felt that CAFA needs to offer value to being a CAFA member and that individual Club Growth was a priority.


Doug Sitter brought up the question of Insurance. Kirk Krack indicated that this was an ongoing process and that if something was found the board would be informed.

Standard for Freedive Education

Matt Charlton felt that CAFA could be in a position to set Standards for Freedive Education in Canada. This was not put to a vote at this time.

Team Canada

Matt Charlton and Doug Sitter suggested that there be a Chairman for a Team Canada Committee to improve sponsorship and fundraising and visibility for team Canada. This would include more prominent display of Team Canada on the Web Site. Kirk Krack felt that the board had to prioritize and that this was not a high priority. This suggestion was not voted on.


Mandy-Ray Cruickshank recommended that the next board meeting should be January 10th followed by February 8th, 2007. The board agreed on these dates.

Action Items

Tom Lightfoot:

  1. Work with Doug and Matt on development of French website.
  2. Ask accountant Sandy if he would take on the job of CAFA accountant for another year.
  3. Make sure that the voting rules are clearly stated on the website. This includes cutoff time for new/renewal of CAFA memberships and the ability to vote in an election and that the rule of being a resident of Canada needed to be clearly stated.


  1. Meet with Helen Lightfoot (Past Treasurer) to go over CAFA’s books and accounting practices.
  2. Determine if he needs assistance with the books.

Matt Charlton:

  1. Work with Doug and Tom on development of French website.
  2. Find out about translation costs or if someone within our organization will translate for free.

Doug Sitter:

  1. Work with Matt and Tom on the development of the French website.
  2. Attempt to find a web developer for the mirror French site.

Mandy-Rae Cruickshank:

  1. Add Matt Charlton to the Team CAFA yahoo group and other directors at request.

Kirk Krack:

  1. Formulate a budget to be voted on by the board.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.