October 9, 2002


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Ken McCallum. Perry Gladstone joined the meeting via phone.

Call to Order

This meeting was held at the Watersports Exchange store in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously by the board subject to minor corrections to be sent by Perry.


Mandy reported that the budget is still not complete. George Bryan-Orr still has some outstanding questions. Mandy reported that much of the delay in completing the financial reports and budget are due to long distance communication between Vancouver and Gurnsey. Tom, Perry and Kirk suggested that CAFA get the services of an accountant in Vancouver, even if such services have to be paid for.

All were in favour of securing the services of a local accountant. Mandy will approach Mike Jones about doing the accounting for CAFA.

Eastern Regional Competition

Kirk reported that the recent Eastern Regional Competition was a big success. All participants were enthusiastic and the competition and associated courses generated $925 in revenue from memberships, course fees, sanctioning fees and t-shirt sales.

There will be another Eastern Regional competition on the June 14-15 weekend and Kirk will coordinate with Tom Alberelli in the spring to organize the event.

Other Competitions

Dates were picked for the following competitions:

  • Western Regionals – April 19-20 in Vancouver
  • Nationals – May 23-25 in Vancouver

Tom will update the Upcoming Competitions page on the web site.

Kirk is also planning on teaching a Judge in Learning course in early 2003.

A freediving club in Montreal is also planning on hosting a pool-only competition in February of 2003. Kirk will see about getting that event sanctioned by CAFA.

Team Canada Selection Process

Kirk proposed the following “50/25/25” selection model for the ranking of candidates to Team Canada:

Two total point scores will be calculated with one being the current CAFA National competition and the other being a 50/25/25 model. Whichever point total is higher, that score will be used for the individual athlete selection.

With the 50/25/25 model, points are taken from the three disciplines of static apnea, dynamic apnea and constant ballast and their appropriate % is applied based on whether it is a National or Regional competition. The score is calculated as follows:

  • 50% of the current National total point score.
  • 25% of the most current Regional or previous National competition total point score.
  • 25% of the 2nd most current Regional or previous National competition total point score.

In the event of a tie in ranking score, the winner will be the one with the lowest spread between Announced Performance and Realized Performance.

This system of team selection will now give those athletes who may have unfortunately experienced penalties or disqualifications at the Nationals, a means of averaging this out with other CAFA competitions they have attended.

All present voted in favour of the new scheme. Kirk will post the change to the freedivecanada email list and Tom will update the rules on the web site.

French Translation of Web Site

While in Ottawa for the ERC, Kirk had an opportunity to speak with freedivers in Quebec. With the level of interest there building, it is becoming more important to have a French lanuage presence on the web site.

It had already been decided to start with translating the rules documents but in order to get started, it is also necessary to develop translations for the front page and the web graphics. Tom will get in touch with Jane to get the button and banner graphics translated. Work will start next on the rules documents.

Membership Renewals

Tom reported that the automated process of sending out renewal reminders is ready to go. Mandy is to send Tom the latest membership spreadsheet to get the system going.


Perry has approached a travel agency about administering a CAFA freediving trip. The question remained of where to go. Kirk suggested that Perry get in touch with Dan Hodgins of Seaview Dive Store in on Grand Cayman Island. They are associated with a 25 room hotel and Dan and Tara have extensive freediving knowledge.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm. The next meeting will be held on either the 13th, 14th or 15th of November