Canadian Association of Freediving and Apnea


Version 1a


1.1 The “__________________” competition is recognized and organized by CAFA in relation with __________________ .
1.2 It is an individual competition combining any recognized discipline.
1.3 All competitors must be 18 years or older.
1.4 All competitors must be current CAFA competitive members.
1.5 All competitors must be in possession of a CAFA Medical Form, signed by a doctor, in order to participate in the competition.
1.6 Points 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 are inspected upon registration.
1.7 No more then 3 competitors per club are allowed. In small competitions this rule may be changed in allow more.
1.8 The point scale is identical for both men and women.
1.9 For small competitions, more than one team per club may be allowed.
1.10 Only CAFA is responsible for registrations. If there are more then 3 nominations for the same club, CAFA will give preferential treatment to the individuals registered by the head of the CAFA recognized club.
1.11 Each club names a captain who will represent them during event committees.
1.12 Each performance is converted into points according to the following scale:

Static apnea: 3 seconds of immersion = 0.5 point
Depth, salt water: 1 metre in depth = 1 point,
Depth, fresh water: 1 metre in distance = 1.16 points
Dynamic apnea: 2 meters in distance = 1 point

In static, the timed performance is always rounded down to the nearest 1/2 point.

In constant ballast, the performance is rounded down to the nearest tenth, except in the case of a tie.


  • 5’04” in static apnea = 50.5 points
  • 55.5 m in constant ballast, salt water = 55 points
  • 48 m in constant ballast, fresh water = 55.6 points
1.13 The winning competitor is that which obtains the most points by adding the points scored in each discipline.
1.14 In the case of a tie, the winner is the competitor having the smallest difference between the announced and achieved performances in static apnea.
1.15 It is mandatory to report all undergoing medical treatments by the freedivers to the judges member event doctor before the competition.
1.16 The anti-doping code enacted by the IOC concerning the consumption of substances and the prohibited practice is applicable, as well as the anticipated sanctions and penalties by this organization.
Random tests may be conducted. In the case of refusal, the athlete is considered to be positive.
1.17 Any mood manifestation by an athlete causing disturbance to other competitors and impeding their performance may warrant penalty from the judges by any means and authorization of a restart to the impeded competitor.
1.18 All athletes participating in this competition accept implicitly to submit to the present regulation.
1.19 The judges may warn or disqualify all athletes exemplifying the following behaviours:

  • Non compliance to regulations
  • Non compliance with the judges, organizers, team captains, other athletes, the public or the media
  • Non compliance or disruption of the smooth running of the organization or the safety of the competition

Three warnings result in automatic disqualification of the athlete.

1.20 All blackouts or loss of motor control detected by the judges results in disqualification of the freediver for the event or further penalty by decision of the judges.
1.21 The competitor must not be helped or touched at the end of his performance unless he is in difficulty. If this is the case, he is disqualified.
1.22 All disqualified competitors do not score points for the concerned event. All competitors having regardless of being disqualified maintain the right to appear in the final ranking.
1.23 The competitor must remove his/her mask/goggles within 15 seconds of surfacing to show good motor control.


2.1 The organizer chosen by CAFA must send the following information to CAFA and to all persons in charge of the respecting clubs no later 1 month prior to the competition:

  • The present regulation
  • The competition program (start of competitions, event committees, remission of costs, etc.)
  • An information file (premises, date, possible lodging, contingent liabilities, etc.)
  • A record describing the facilities implemented to ensure the safety of the competitors, the judges and the spectators, and an alert and evacuation record
  • All documents describing the planning and administration of the event if necessary
  • A diagram of the different sites
2.2 CAFA must prepare judges, at least 1 month before the competition, after examination of the proposed candidacy by the clubs. The organizer must indicate the judges composition to the captains on opening day.
2.3 The event committee must convene on the eve of an event. Upon conclusion, the organizer must provide the event start lists to the team captains.
2.4 The organizer must draw up a commitment sheet disclosing anticipated competition performances to be filled in by the competitors.
2.5 A technical commission appointed by CAFA will be in charge of examining the following with the organizer no less than 1 months before the competition:

  • Implementation of the organization (lodging, scheduling, logistics)
  • Arrangement of the organization in regard to event safety (assembly with the chief diving officers)
  • Facilities and administrative arrangements
2.6 This commission will be composed of at least one member of the judges and should work in close consultation with the organizer to mitigate any problems and find necessary solutions for an efficient organization.
2.7 The organizer must set up drug tests with the appropriate agency of their country. The terms upon which the athletes are chosen are left up to the discretion of the judges.
2.8 The organizer must anticipate one or more “openers” for each event: The judges will choose the openers among the safety freedivers or competent reputable freedivers. Without exceeding their abilities, they must officially open the performance zone, which will allow the organization to acclimate.
The openers observe the same conditions as the competitors, but they may not be competitors.
2.9 The organizer must provide an identification number for each athlete. The participants must visibly wear this number during the official events. A list of these numbers is provided to the media as well as to the team captains.
2.10 For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records
2.11 Calibration of the depth measuring devices:
The depth measuring devices are calibrated in the following manner:

  • Each device is marked clearly and distinctly
  • The devices are tested at three depths in relation to the line measure (-60m, -40m, -20m). The given measures are then indexed for each instrument
  • The judges then calculates the error coefficient of each device in the following manner:Indexed measures:-60.5m-40.8m-20.8
    – error coefficient at 60 m = 60 / 60.5 = 0.985
    – error coefficient at 40 m = 40 / 40.4 = 0.990
    – error coefficient at 20 m = 20 / 20.2 = 0.990
    -> final coefficient = 0.99
  • Application of the error coefficient to the depth posted by the devices in order to obtain the actual depth is then sufficient for training and competition.


3.1 The event takes place in a pool or in a natural environment.
3.2 On the eve of the performance, no later than 4 hours before the event committee, each captain must relay the announced performances of the athletes to the judges.
3.3 The start times for the official attempts are determined the night before the event committee. The order in which the freedivers are positioned is done by series. Each series succeeds from top to bottom in order of the announced performances.
3.4 Every 10 minutes and simultaneously thereafter, the competitors actualize their performances. Each freediver has the choice to start between the “official start” and 10 seconds after. The following countdown is conducted by the speaker:
2’00, 1’30, 1’00, 30″, 10″, 5″, 4″, 3″, 2″, 1″, official start, 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″, 8″, 9″, 10″
If the freediver starts after the 10 second authorized margin; a penalty of one point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
If the freediver starts before the “official start”, a penalty of 1 point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
3.5 If the performance achieved (PA) is higher than then announced performance (AP), no penalty is applied. If the PA is lower than the AP, a penalty of 1 point is applied per unit of 6 seconds.

Example:AP = 5’35″PA = 5’04
Difference between PA and AP = 31″
Penalty = 6 points
Total points scored = 50.5 – 6 = 44.5 points

3.6 The teams must appear before the judges on the premises of the competition at least one hour before the start of the event.
3.7 Three zones are marked off: a warm-up zone, a transition zone and a performance zone. The athlete may not access the warm-up zone until 45 minutes before the start of his performance. Athletes may not access the transition zone until such times as the preceding athlete has left the area.
3.8 The warm-up period starts 45 minutes before the start of the first official attempts and ends at the end of the event.
3.9 A partner is authorized to monitor and supervise the athlete’s warm-up and performance. He is permitted to assist in the 3 official zones.
However, during actualization of the performance, the partner is not authorized to touch the athlete. He is only permitted to quietly coach him orally.
3.10 The attempts may take place at the bottom or at the surface. The freediver is free to choose his position.
3.11 Resting points are provided at the surface and at the bottom to facilitate the preparation of the freediver.
3.12 The freediver is free to choose his equipment.
3.13 Competitors have the right to only one official attempt. Once the respiratory tracts are immerged, the attempt is considered as having been started, except in the case where the freediver prepares him self by blowing in the water. In this case, the freediver must hold up his hand to warn the timekeeper(s) that he is anticipating the start of his attempt.
3.14 A safety freediver is present in the water during the performance. This person is responsible for verifying the state of consciousness of the competitor as follows: He touches the freediver unequivocally; the freediver responds by using a gesture agreed upon in advance with the official. This procedure will intervene:

  • Every 30 seconds starting 1 minute before the announced performance
  • Every 15 seconds thereafter

If the freediver does not respond by using the chosen sign, the official will immediately request the sign again from the competitor. If an incorrect response persists, or there is none, the official will remove the competitor from the water.

3.15 The freediver is asked to remove his mask or goggles within 15 seconds following termination of his apnea and signal and look directly at the judges.
3.16 In order to calculate the performance of the freediver, an average of the two registered times is taken by the two timekeepers. All measurements are rounded down to the nearest second.

Example:Registered times: 5’08″64 and 5’07″48
Average will be: (5’08” + 5’07”) / 2 = 5’07″50
Registered performance will be: 5’07” = 51 points

3.17 The organizer must film the termination of the performance of each freediver when his head emerges from the water. The video is systematically used for claims concerning a blackout or loss of motor control.
3.18 Cameras and photographers are not admitted in the water other than in the warm-up and transition zones.
3.19 Applause is allowed at the end of each athlete’s performance even if other competitors in the same series have not finished their performance.
3.20 An ongoing commentary from the official speaker will continue throughout the static apnea event. He may announce the times attained by athletes at the end of their performance.
3.21 For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records


4.1 The choice of weight and diving suit are up to the freediver.
4.2 This event can be done without fins. All of the following rules apply except that the competitor would not be allowed the use of fins or webbed gloves or boots
4.3 Two safety freedivers must be present for the duration of the attempt at the surface of the water to follow the progress of the freediver.
4.4 The start must take place in the water with the head immersed at least 1.50 meters from the edge of the pool. The start may be by duck dive or by using the edge of the pool for support.
4.5 The entire body must be submerged for the duration of the circuit. The freediver must come in contact with the wall of the pool at each turn.
4.6 The distance covered is determined by the exit of the respiratory tracts (except where the freediver ascends against the wall).
4.7 Any propulsion assistance other than swimming movements are forbidden (except in the case of thrusting against the side of the wall during turns).
4.8 The teams must appear before the judges on the premises of the competition at least one hour before the start of the event.
4.9 Three zones are marked off: a warm-up zone, a transition zone and a performance zone. The athlete may not access the warm-up zone until 45 minutes before the start of his performance. Athletes may not access the transition zone until such times as the preceding athlete has left the area.
4.10 The warm-up period starts 45 minutes before the start of the first official attempts and ends at the end of the event.
4.11 The event takes place in a pool or in a natural environment
4.12 On the eve of the performance, no later than 4 hours before the event committee, each captain must relay the announced performances of the athletes to the judges.
4.13 The start times for the official attempts are determined the night before during the event committee. The order in which the freedivers are positioned is done by series. Each series succeeds from top to bottom in order of the announced performances.
4.14 Every 10 minutes and simultaneously thereafter, the competitors actualize their performances. Each freediver has the choice to start between the “official start” and 10 seconds after. The following countdown is conducted by the speaker:
2’00, 1’30, 1’00, 30″, 10″, 5″, 4″, 3″, 2″, 1″, official start, 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″, 8″, 9″, 10″
If the freediver starts after the 10 second authorized margin; a penalty of one point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
If the freediver starts before the “official start”, a penalty of 1 point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
4.15 If the performance achieved (PA) is higher than then announced performance (AP), no penalty is applied.
4.16 If the performance achieved (PA) is less then the announced performance (AP) a ½ point penalty per meter will be applied
4.17 For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records


5.1 The event takes place in salt or fresh water.
5.2 This event can be done without fins. All of the following rules apply except that the competitor would not be allowed the use of fins or webbed gloves or boots
5.3 The captain must confirm the anticipated performances on the day of arrival, during the opening or at the first event committee to allow to the organization to use this information to implement safety.
5.4 On the eve of the first day of competition for constant ballast and no later than 4 hours before the event committee, each captain must relay the announced performances of his athletes to the judges even though the competition may take place over many days.
5.5 The judges determine the start times for each competitor according to the following principal: Each day, the competitors attempting the greatest depths go first. If the constant ballast event takes place over several days, the competitors attempting the greatest depths go on the last day.
5.6 Each freediver may depart between the “official start” and up to 30 seconds after. Beyond that, the freediver is no longer authorized to depart. The following countdown is given by the speaker:
2’00, 1’30, 1’00, 30″, 10″, 5″, 4″, 3″, 2″, 1″, official start, 10″, 20″, 30″ start cancelled.
Within the 30 second authorized time, the freediver may only attempt one start.
If the freediver starts before the “official start”, a penalty of 1 point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
5.7 An official zone consisting of one or more warm-up lines and at least one official line is marked off by the organization. Only competitors, safety freedivers, safety divers, doctors, organization officials and athletes partner are permitted to infiltrate these zones.
5.8 Three zones are marked off: a warm-up zone, a transition zone and a performance zone. The athlete may not access to the warm-up zone until 45 minutes before the start of his performance. Athletes may not access the transition zone until such times as the preceding athlete has left the area.
5.9 Warm-up:

  • The warm-up period starts on the line(s) 45 minutes before the start of the first official attempts and ends at the end of the event,
  • The warm-up line(s) and the official line may not be far away from each other,
  • No more than two competitors are allowed under water on the warm-up line at one time.
  • Inside the marked-off zone, it is prohibited to warm-up outside the line(s).
  • The series of warm-up lines are placed at a depth relative to the level of the freedivers warming-up.
  • A person situated outside of the water having the authority to stop the descents on the lines at any time including the performance line(s), will monitor each line.
  • For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records
5.10 A partner is authorized to monitor and supervise the warm-up and the performance of the athlete. He may assist him in the 3 official zones.
However, as soon as the performance has started, the partner is no longer authorized to intervene in any manner whatsoever, except to assist the organization in helping the athlete if he is in trouble. He is permitted to stay at the surface but is not authorized to descend and accompany the end of the performance of his athlete.
5.11 A resting point and floating support is to be made available for the preparation and recovery phases.
5.12 Materials:

  • The use of nose plugs is not authorized.
  • The use of apnea lenses or fluid goggles is not authorized.
  • The use of wrist weights is not authorized.
  • The use of volume reducers in the mask is not authorized.
  • The use of an unmodified series mask is mandatory. The competitor is not permitted to put water in his mask.
  • The use of fins or a monofin is mandatory (unless doing constant weight without fins)
  • The judges take note of the presence of any weight used and the weight of the athlete while equipping the freediver. The weight must be affixed to a belt equipped with a fast release feature and situated on the outside of the diving suit. The judges check for any changes in weight upon exit from the water. If variation has occurred, the attempt is cancelled.
  • The freediver is free to choose any other equipment.
5.13 The freediver wears an official depth-measuring device on his wrist, which is provided by CAFA and has been tested and calibrated by the judges.
5.14 The use of a safety lanyard is recommended in cases of poor visibility (less than 5 meters) and/or on the decision of the judges and the organizers.
5.15 The freediver must bring a tag up to the surface and deliver it to a member of the judges. This tag is situated on the line or final base plate at the announced depth of the athlete.
5.16 The freediver must descend and ascend by fining. He is not permitted to pull or hold the line on the descent and the ascent. The only allowance is holding the rope with one or two hands to stop the descent and to initiate the ascent without shifting the resting point. In all other cases, the freediver will be disqualified.
5.17 The freediver is permitted to guide him self along the line without pulling or holding it.
5.18 Depth measurement:

  • The depth attempted by the freediver is marked with a base plate or official depth tag.
  • The freediver must ascend with the tag that was submerged on the base plate/line at the announced depth. In this case, the number of points is equal to the attempted depth.
  • If the freediver does not bring up the tag, the official depth device serves to measure the performance and a penalty of 1 point is allocated for the absence of the tag even if the measuring device indicates the same depth as the one attempted.
  • Performances are rounded down to the nearest meter.
  • If the measuring device indicates a higher depth than that which is announced, it’s the announced depth that is taken into consideration.
  • If the measuring device indicates a shallower depth, which is more than 2 meters than that which is announced, a penalty of one point per meter of deviation between AP-2 and PA is applied. A penalty of 1 point is also added due to the absence of the tag.
  • If the measuring device or safety diver at depth shows that the competitor descended more than 2 meters deeper then their announced performance they will be disqualified. This competitor will receive no points in this category.
  • The tested devices are assigned an error coefficient, which is communicated to the captains by the judges.

Example: AP = 50 mPA (read on the device) = 47.5mdevice error coefficient = 0.98

Actual performance = 47.5 x 0.98 = 46.55 -> 46m

Difference between AP-2 and PA = 48-46 = 2 m -> 2 penalty points

Absence of the tag = 1 penalty point

Final performance = 46 – 3 = 43 pts

5.19 The freediver is asked to remove his/her mask within 15 seconds upon termination of his apnea and signal to the judges that he is fine.
5.20 The organizer must film the exit of the freedivers upon arrival at the surface with no less then 1 camera. The video is systematically used for claims concerning a blackout or loss of motor control.
5.21 For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records

6 Free Immersion

6.1 The event takes place in salt or fresh water.
6.2 The captain must confirm the anticipated performances on the day of arrival, during the opening or at the first event committee to allow to the organization to use this information to implement safety.
6.3 On the eve of the first day of competition for constant ballast and no later than 4 hours before the event committee, each captain must relay the announced performances of his athletes to the judges even though the competition may take place over many days.
6.4 The judges determine the start times for each competitor according to the following principal: Each day, the competitors attempting the greatest depths go first. If the constant ballast event takes place over several days, the competitors attempting the greatest depths go on the last day.
6.5 Each freediver may depart between the “official start” and up to 30 seconds after. Beyond that, the freediver is no longer authorized to depart. The following countdown is given by the speaker:
2’00, 1’30, 1’00, 30″, 10″, 5″, 4″, 3″, 2″, 1″, official start, 10″, 20″, 30″ start cancelled.
Within the 30 second authorized time, the freediver may only attempt one start.
If the freediver starts before the “official start”, a penalty of 1 point per unit of 6 seconds is applied.
6.6 An official zone consisting of one or more warm-up lines and at least one official line is marked off by the organization. Only competitors, safety freedivers, safety divers, doctors, organization officials and athletes partner are permitted to infiltrate these zones.
6.7 Three zones are marked off: a warm-up zone, a transition zone and a performance zone. The athlete may not access to the warm-up zone until 45 minutes before the start of his performance. Athletes may not access the transition zone until such times as the preceding athlete has left the area.
6.8 Warm-up:

  • The warm-up period starts on the line(s) 45 minutes before the start of the first official attempts and ends at the end of the event,
  • The warm-up line(s) and the official line may not be far away from each other,
  • No more than two competitors are allowed under water on the warm-up line at one time.
  • Inside the marked-off zone, it is prohibited to warm-up outside the line(s).
  • The series of warm-up lines are placed at a depth relative to the level of the freedivers warming-up.
  • A person situated outside of the water having the authority to stop the descents on the lines at any time including the performance line(s), will monitor each line.
  • For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records
6.9 A partner is authorized to monitor and supervise the warm-up and the performance of the athlete. He may assist him in the 3 official zones.
However, as soon as the performance has started, the partner is no longer authorized to intervene in any manner whatsoever, except to assist the organization in helping the athlete if he is in trouble. He is permitted to stay at the surface but is not authorized to descend and accompany the end of the performance of his athlete.
6.10 A resting point and floating support is to be made available for the preparation and recovery phases.
6.11 Materials:

  • The use of nose plugs is not authorized.
  • The use of apnea lenses or fluid goggles is not authorized.
  • The use of wrist weights is not authorized.
  • The use of volume reducers in the mask is not authorized.
  • The use of an unmodified series mask is mandatory. The competitor is not permitted to put water in his mask.
  • The use of fins or a monofin is not authorized.
  • The judges take note of the presence of any weight used and the weight of the athlete while equipping the freediver. The weight must be affixed to a belt equipped with a fast release feature and situated on the outside of the diving suit. The judges check for any changes in weight upon exit from the water. If variation has occurred, the attempt is cancelled.
  • The freediver is free to choose any other equipment.
6.12 The freediver wears an official depth-measuring device on his wrist, which is provided by CAFA and has been tested and calibrated by the judges.
6.13 The use of a safety lanyard is recommended in cases of poor visibility (less than 5 meters) and/or on the decision of the judges and the organizers.
6.14 The freediver is not required to bring a tag up to the surface but either a marker or base plate will be used to mark the anticipated depth.
6.15 The freediver must descend and ascend by pulling. He is not permitted to use fins.
6.16 Depth measurement:

  • The depth attempted by the freediver is marked with a base plate or official depth tag.
  • The freediver must ascend with the tag that was submerged on the base plate/line at the announced depth. In this case, the number of points is equal to the attempted depth.
  • The official depth device serves to measure the performance.
  • Performances are rounded down to the nearest meter.
  • If the measuring device indicates a higher depth than that which is announced, it’s the announced depth that is taken into consideration.
  • If the measuring device indicates a shallower depth, which is more than 2 meters than that which is announced, a penalty of one point per meter of deviation between AP-2 and PA is applied.
  • If the measuring device or safety diver at depth shows that the competitor descended more than 2 meters deeper then their announced performance they will be disqualified. This competitor will receive no points in this category.
  • The tested devices are assigned an error coefficient, which is communicated to the captains by the judges.

Example: AP = 50 mPA (read on the device) = 47.5mdevice error coefficient = 0.98

Actual performance = 47.5 x 0.98 = 46.55 -> 46m

Difference between AP-2 and PA = 48-46 = 2 m -> 2 penalty points

Absence of the tag = 1 penalty point

Final performance = 46 – 3 = 43 pts

6.17 The freediver is asked to remove his/her mask within 15 seconds upon termination of his apnea and signal to the judges that he is fine.
6.18 The organizer must film the exit of the freedivers upon arrival at the surface with no less then 1 camera. The video is systematically used for claims concerning a blackout or loss of motor control.
6.19 For safety rules refer to the CAFA Safety Protocols for Competitions/Records


7.1 The event committee is responsible for all technical questions concerning the event and of its the smooth running.
7.2 The event committee consists of:

  • The judges
  • The team captains
  • Members of the organization

The competitors may request to assist the event committee but may not intervene, as their captain acts as their representative.

7.3 The event committee must proceed with a spirit of mutual respect and fair play. All captains or athletes disrespectful toward the judges, the organizer or another team captain are excluded from the event committee.
7.4 The event committee meets on the eve of each event at a time established by the organization in order to:

  • Provide the day’s results.
  • Provide general information to captains, competitors and divers for the following day (e.g. program reminders, local rules, weather and distinct conditions)
  • Establish and distribute the start times list for the following day.


8.1 The judges consist of no less then 2 persons nominated by CAFA.
8.2 The judges is present on the competition site at the start of warm-up to:

  • Ensure that the event follows the established rules
  • Check the freedivers’ equipment
  • Check the freedivers’ performances
  • Disqualify a competitor not respecting regulations or if his behaviour interferes with the smooth running of the organization, safety, or other competitors
  • Interrupt the event at any time if the safety of the freedivers or the divers is not assured
  • Gather protests, where applicable, filed by the team captains.
8.3 Only the judges are allowed to make decisions not appearing in the present regulation.

9 Protests

9.1 A team captain may file a protest to a member of the judges after the incident or within a maximum of 15 minutes following the posting of the results.
9.2 Upon exit from the water in constant ballast, if the divers in charge of safety of the freedivers and of monitoring the descents and ascents report to the judges that a competitor did not respect the regulation under the water, the judges serves this incident to the competitor or to his captain no later than the posting of the results.
9.3 In the case of protests, the judges meet to decide if the competitor must be disqualified/penalized or not. In all cases, the competitor must be heard as well as the divers. In the case of actual doubt, benefit must be given to the competitor. If this is the case, the judges decide which performance to take into consideration.
9.4 The judges respond to the protests that evening.
9.5 All claims must be accompanied by a sum of $25 CND, or equivalent, in order to be filed. This amount is reimbursed if the judges give sides with the complainant.


10.1 Limitations related to the sponsors of the organizers or competitors must not interfere with the organization of the events.
10.2 The event committee will indicate the number and the location of different accredited media.
10.3 The organization may not be held responsible for accidents caused by competitors not respecting the present regulation.
10.4 The present regulation may not be changed in the 3 months preceding the competition.
10.5 Only the judges are competent to make any decision not appearing in the present regulation.

Copyright © CAFA 2002

Updated 08 January 2002 Home -> Administration -> Rules