Intermediate Freediver Clinic

September 13 – 25, 2005 in Vancouver, BC

Freediving is the sport of breath-hold diving, or advanced snorkeling. For hundreds of years people have used freediving techniques as a method of providing themselves with sustenance from the ocean. In recent years the sport of freediving has developed as men and women challenge their abilities in time, depth and distance. Team Canada is one of the Worlds best teams in performance freediving. This proficiency has lead to an emergent community of experts in Canada who are enthusiastic about the advancement of the sport.

The intermediate freediver clinic is for snorkelers or scuba divers who want to progress more as a freediver with extended breath-holds, training in depths as deep or deeper than 20m (although you always work at your comfort level), learning the aspects of static and dynamic apnea and most importantly, safety and self-rescue skills with a buddy. The course outline is as follows:

  • Safety and Buddy Procedures
  • Equipment for Freediving
  • Proper Ventilations and Breathing
  • Psychological Aspects of Freediving
  • Introduction to the Physics and Physiology of Freediving
  • Confined Water Static Apnea & Dynamic Apnea Development
  • Open Water Constant Ballast Development
  • Techniques for Basic and Intermediate Freediving


Comfort in the water with limited snorkeling or freediving experience is an asset. Have adequate in-water exposure protection along with mask, fins, snorkel, wetsuit, and weight belt with weights. Timing and depth device are good items to have and use. Be in good medical health.

Cost of the program:

$395 CND plus GST includes your Intermediate Freediving Student Manual & Workbook, membership in the Canadian Association of Freediving and Apnea (CAFA) and all pool and classroom and open water instruction.

Clinic Dates and Locations:

Date Time Location Activity
Tuesday, Sept 13 6:00 to 10:00 pm Rowand’s Reef Class and Pool
Thursday, Sept 15 6:00 to 10:00 pm Rowand’s Reef Class and Pool
Saturday, Sept 17 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Ansell Place Open Water
Tuesday, Sept 20 6:00 to 10:00 pm Rowand’s Reef Class and Pool
Thursday, Sept 22 6:00 to 10:00 pm Rowand’s Reef Class and Pool
Saturday, Sept 24 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Ansell Place Open Water
Sunday, Sept 25 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Ansell Place Open Water

Course Instructors

Clinics are taught by the instructors of Performance Freediving along with various members of Team Canada. For any course specific information or bookings, please contact Rowand’s Reef dive shop.

Email [email protected]
Phone 604-669-3483

For resource information on freediving, please check out or